Car Service: 7 Ways to Help Prevent An Accident!
Summer has arrived, and with it, more vehicles on the road as people are starting their summer road trips. Some of the vehicles are in desperate need of car service or even more extensive car repair. Make sure your car is not in that category. Before starting out on your road trip, be sure to have basic car service taken care of, and as needed, a necessary car repair.
Here are seven tips that will help you travel safely and comfortably to your summer destination:
- Stay Alert -- Keep your attention focused on the road ahead and the vehicles around you so your brain can analyze and prepare for any dangerous situations. Don't drive drowsy. Your risk of an accident while driving tired is similar to that when driving while intoxicated. If your eyelids start drooping, pull off the road and either take a nap or grab some caffeine.
- Avoid Distractions -- Eating, using your phone, and spending too much time checking on children in the back seat are all distractions that make you lose focus on the road. Stop and grab lunch, make a call, or sort out your squabbling kids in the back will mean that you'll be a safer driver when you get back on the road. If you need to communicate while on the road, make a small investment in a Bluetooth device.
- Create a buffer zone -- Leaving space between you and the car ahead (a car length for every 10 miles an hour) allows time for braking should the situation demand it. If the cars in front and behind you are getting uncomfortably close, strategically line up with an empty space to the side. This allows you to have a place to steer your vehicle into.
- Keep your hands on the wheel -- When driving along boring stretches of road or in stop-and-go traffic, it's easy to forget that your hands should be on the steering wheel at all times.
- Adapt to weather conditions -- Use proper judgment during bad weather. If your vision is limited by fog, you'll need extra time to perform emergency maneuvers. When the ground is wet, your tires will take longer to bring you to a stop. Leave more room than usual between you and the car in front.
- Communicate with other drivers – You can create a dangerous situation by maneuvering your vehicle unexpectedly, so make sure to use your turn signals or hand signal well before you intend on turning or changing lanes. When merging in front of a big-rig at night, signal and then wait for the driver to flash the headlights in approval.
- Practice defensive driving -- Other drivers can be unpredictable. Watch for erratic driving from the people around you and avoid any vehicle that drifts across lanes, doesn't signal, or has difficulty maintaining a steady speed.
Get ready for your summer road trip with quality car repair. Contact our ASE Certified Technicians at Cannon Auto Repair today by calling 507-263-2120 for more information about car service. Our auto shop serves vehicle owners in Cannon Falls, MN and the surrounding areas.
Don’t stranded on the road when you are in summer road trip. Be sure to have basic car repair performed properly before heading out in summer road trip!Summer has arrived, and with it, more vehicles on the road as people are starting their summer road trips. Some of the vehicles are in desperate need of car service or even more extensive car repair. Make sure your car is not in that category. Before starting out on your road trip, be sure to have basic car service taken care of, and as needed, a necessary car repair.
Here are seven tips that will help you travel safely and comfortably to your summer destination:
- Stay Alert -- Keep your attention focused on the road ahead and the vehicles around you so your brain can analyze and prepare for any dangerous situations. Don't drive drowsy. Your risk of an accident while driving tired is similar to that when driving while intoxicated. If your eyelids start drooping, pull off the road and either take a nap or grab some caffeine.
- Avoid Distractions -- Eating, using your phone, and spending too much time checking on children in the back seat are all distractions that make you lose focus on the road. Stop and grab lunch, make a call, or sort out your squabbling kids in the back will mean that you'll be a safer driver when you get back on the road. If you need to communicate while on the road, make a small investment in a Bluetooth device.
- Create a buffer zone -- Leaving space between you and the car ahead (a car length for every 10 miles an hour) allows time for braking should the situation demand it. If the cars in front and behind you are getting uncomfortably close, strategically line up with an empty space to the side. This allows you to have a place to steer your vehicle into.
- Keep your hands on the wheel -- When driving along boring stretches of road or in stop-and-go traffic, it's easy to forget that your hands should be on the steering wheel at all times.
- Adapt to weather conditions -- Use proper judgment during bad weather. If your vision is limited by fog, you'll need extra time to perform emergency maneuvers. When the ground is wet, your tires will take longer to bring you to a stop. Leave more room than usual between you and the car in front.
- Communicate with other drivers – You can create a dangerous situation by maneuvering your vehicle unexpectedly, so make sure to use your turn signals or hand signal well before you intend on turning or changing lanes. When merging in front of a big-rig at night, signal and then wait for the driver to flash the headlights in approval.
- Practice defensive driving -- Other drivers can be unpredictable. Watch for erratic driving from the people around you and avoid any vehicle that drifts across lanes, doesn't signal, or has difficulty maintaining a steady speed.
Get ready for your summer road trip with quality car repair. Contact our ASE Certified Technicians at Cannon Auto Repair today by calling 507-263-2120 for more information about car service. Our auto shop serves vehicle owners in Cannon Falls, MN and the surrounding areas.