Auto Repair Shop Reviews Bicycle Safety Rules!
Now that school has started, this auto repair shop would like to remind drivers that the number of children on bicycles has increased as they ride to and from school. On most highways, bicyclists have the same rights and responsibilities as vehicles and often share the same lane. The most common causes of bicycle and auto collisions are drivers turning left in front of an oncoming bicycle or turning right into the path of the bicycle. Not only will you be looking for an urgent auto repair for your vehicle, but a bicyclist may have been severely injured.
One issue with bicycles is that they are difficult to see among the other vehicles. And, because bicyclists are more exposed, they are more easily injured in an accident. Oncoming bicycle traffic is often hidden and their speed is difficult to determine. Children riding bicycles create special problems for drivers because they are not nearly as capable of proper judgment as an adult when determining traffic conditions.
An auto repair shop offers this review of bicycle laws for the safety of all bicyclists:
- When passing a bicyclist going the same direction, do so slowly and leave at least a three-foot clearance between you and the bicycle until you have safely passed.
- When a bicyclist is entering the intersection from the opposite direction and you are intending to turn left, wait for the bicyclist to pass before turning.
- If your vehicle is turning right and a bicyclist is approaching on the right, let the bicyclist go through the intersection first before making a right turn.
- Watch for bicycle riders turning in front of you without looking or signaling, especially if the rider is a child.
- Take extra precautions in school zones and neighborhood areas where children and teenagers might be riding. Watch out for bikes coming out of driveways or from behind parked cars or other obstructions.
- Check side mirrors for bicyclists before opening the door.
- Remember to always use your turn signals.
The review of the safety rules above can help prevent collisions and accident-related injuries, and save lives!
Schedule an inspection at your auto center to make sure all your lights and blinkers are working properly. Contact the ASE Certified Technicians at Cannon Auto Repair today by calling 507-263-2120 or go on-line at for more information. Our auto repair shop serves vehicle owners in Cannon Falls, MN, and the surrounding areas.
Auto Repair Shop Reviews Bicycle Safety Rules! Please help prevent collisions and accident-related injuries, and even save lives!Now that school has started, this auto repair shop would like to remind drivers that the number of children on bicycles has increased as they ride to and from school. On most highways, bicyclists have the same rights and responsibilities as vehicles and often share the same lane. The most common causes of bicycle and auto collisions are drivers turning left in front of an oncoming bicycle or turning right into the path of the bicycle. Not only will you be looking for an urgent auto repair for your vehicle, but a bicyclist may have been severely injured.
One issue with bicycles is that they are difficult to see among the other vehicles. And, because bicyclists are more exposed, they are more easily injured in an accident. Oncoming bicycle traffic is often hidden and their speed is difficult to determine. Children riding bicycles create special problems for drivers because they are not nearly as capable of proper judgment as an adult when determining traffic conditions.
An auto repair shop offers this review of bicycle laws for the safety of all bicyclists:
- When passing a bicyclist going the same direction, do so slowly and leave at least a three-foot clearance between you and the bicycle until you have safely passed.
- When a bicyclist is entering the intersection from the opposite direction and you are intending to turn left, wait for the bicyclist to pass before turning.
- If your vehicle is turning right and a bicyclist is approaching on the right, let the bicyclist go through the intersection first before making a right turn.
- Watch for bicycle riders turning in front of you without looking or signaling, especially if the rider is a child.
- Take extra precautions in school zones and neighborhood areas where children and teenagers might be riding. Watch out for bikes coming out of driveways or from behind parked cars or other obstructions.
- Check side mirrors for bicyclists before opening the door.
- Remember to always use your turn signals.
The review of the safety rules above can help prevent collisions and accident-related injuries, and save lives!
Schedule an inspection at your auto center to make sure all your lights and blinkers are working properly. Contact the ASE Certified Technicians at Cannon Auto Repair today by calling 507-263-2120 or go on-line at for more information. Our auto repair shop serves vehicle owners in Cannon Falls, MN, and the surrounding areas.